Heartland Student Ministry

Heartland Student Ministry seeks to equip students with the truth of the gospel, helping them live for Jesus and grow as family with other students.  Our leaders are passionate about partnering with parents in the discipleship process of their children.

upcoming events

Public Events
Sunset Hills Gospel Community
Church Calendar
HC Kids Sunday Mornings
HSM Calendar
Women's Events
Men's Events
Sunday Seminars

frequently asked questions

Q: Are volunteers background checked?

A: Yes, all volunteers go through a screening process and background check before being able to serve with our students.

Q: What if my child needs me during service?  

A: Heartland uses a texting system to alert you in the event that your child needs you.  Please be sure we have an accurate phone number on file for you – you can update your information when you check-in your students.

prayer request 

How can we be in prayer for you and your family?